
So Ashamed

A dear friend who is a minister in an LGBTQ affirming church, shared a story about his beloved grandmother telling him that his grandfather and his mentor would both be ashamed of him. Reading his story triggered so many memories of when I was ostracized by my own family and friends.  Of course I heard So Ashamed

Reactivity Versus Proactivity: A Better Approach

In the realm of politics, negotiations often involve a delicate dance between proactivity and reactivity. While behind-the-scenes maneuvers have traditionally been a part of strategic planning, the recent debt limit crisis has brought to light the challenges posed by a purely secretive and thereby reactive negotiating approach.  As House Democrats found themselves in a defensive Reactivity Versus Proactivity: A Better Approach

Here’s to the Fallen

Here’s to the slave, Forced to enlist To the kid on the drum, Who’d never been kissed To the misfit who joined With nothing to lose The ones who survived the war But drowned in booze Here’s to the privileged Who threw it away The ones who fought bravely in war But couldn’t take a Here’s to the Fallen

The Myth of the Alpha Male

Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of people online claiming to be an “Alpha Male.”  It’s gotten me to thinking about what that term means, and how it’s misused. First, let us stipulate that the term itself comes from anthropology which has long since been debunked; but let’s be honest, the people who call themselves The Myth of the Alpha Male

One Nation, Under Siege: A Call to Arms

Standing Guard for Freedom For the past few days, a certain name has persistently resurfaced in my thoughts – Hannah Arendt. Her prophetic ‘Origins of Totalitarianism’ paints a chilling picture we can’t ignore: Fascist movements ruthlessly pursuing single-party rule through fear and brute force. Does this pursuit sound like efforts of a certain insurrection denying One Nation, Under Siege: A Call to Arms

Trump Town Hall: A Call to Action

Friends, fellow citizens, and defenders of democracy, We find ourselves at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. The very foundations of our democracy are being tested, and it is time for us to stand up and be counted. CNN’s decision to host a Trump town hall with former President Donald Trump, a man responsible Trump Town Hall: A Call to Action

Youth Activism, Abortion Rights, & Rejecting Hate

Our democracy is in grave danger. The overturning of Roe v. Wade abortion rights has led to abortion bans in 14 Republican-controlled states, with nationwide restrictions threatening to follow. Partisan gerrymandering allows radicalized Republicans to enact laws without fear of electoral consequences, while gun violence against our children in schools continues to escalate.  As our Youth Activism, Abortion Rights, & Rejecting Hate