Open Letter to Billionaires: Help Dominion Make History

Dear Billionaires,

As an average American, I am reaching out to you with a sincere plea to use your wealth and influence for a cause that will not only benefit humanity but also internationally cement your name into the annals of history for something more than being a wealthy individual. Our democracy is under threat from those who spread lies, propaganda and attack the very fabric of our nation, and I implore you to support Dominion Voting Systems in their defamation lawsuit against Fox News. 

By taking this action, you will uphold PUBLIC accountability, protect our democracy, and ensure future generations inherit a nation of laws, truth, and justice.

The Need for Public Accountability

It is not enough for Fox News to be held accountable behind closed doors through settlement agreements. In a private settlement, Fox will have an opportunity to do what they always do, and, their viewers demand – LIE. The American people deserve to see the truth come to light, and for those who have sown division and misinformation to face the consequences of their actions PUBLICLY

By supporting Dominion in their pursuit of justice, you can help ensure that the lies and propaganda that have been perpetuated by right-wing media are PUBLICLY exposed and that accountability is brought to the forefront.

Encouraging Responsible Journalism

By supporting Dominion’s pursuit of justice and forcing a public accounting, you can help encourage Fox News and other right-wing propagandists to be more cautious and responsible in the type and veracity of the content they allow over their networks. A public reckoning will send a clear message that lies and disinformation will not go unchecked and, hopefully, foster a more responsible and accountable media landscape.

A Call to Action for Billionaires

I urge you to consider the following steps to support Dominion and its attorneys in their quest to hold Fox News accountable:

  • Financially back Dominion Voting Systems in their defamation lawsuit against Fox News. Your support will enable them to pursue their case without the fear of a total loss should they not prevail, and ensure that they can focus on fighting for justice, and holding Fox News accountable for their role in spreading lies that helped foment an insurrection against our country.
  • Provide top-notch supportive law firms to handle any time-consuming investigative avenues that Dominion may have wanted to pursue but didn’t, either due to time constraints or limited resources. Your backing will allow them to explore all avenues and gather crucial evidence to strengthen their case.
  • Offer additional services and resources to Dominion and its attorneys, such as research and investigation teams, to unburden them from time-consuming tasks. This will enable them to remain laser-focused on the task at hand – holding Fox News to account.

Leveraging Wealth for Truth

Your wealth and influence have the power to make a profound difference in the fight for truth, justice, and responsible journalism. Support Dominion Voting Systems in their lawsuit against Fox News to hold those spreading lies and misinformation accountable, and send a clear message that our democracy is not a plaything. By taking this step, you create a legacy that surpasses your financial success and solidify your reputation as a champion of democracy and responsible journalism for generations to come.


John Q Public

P.S. The clock is ticking! We, the average citizens, could likely raise half of what you pledge if time were on our side. But we desperately need your immediate help now to ensure accountability.
