The City on the Hill Shines

Eloys sing their songs and fly their flags

While morlocks do their work

In dirty rags

But the hill itself 

was once a vibrant city too.

In history ignored

But no less true

As Eloy’s celebrate

Their utopian dream

Morlocks are more and more

Pushed to the seam

They live and they work

And they love and they die

But feel no such joy

In early July

They carry the weight

Of this powerful nation

But get only hate

And ostracization

They built our country

But when they rightfully grieve

What’s been taken from them

You say love it or leave

Morlocks have always

Footed the bill

To build this great city

Shining on a hill

We took all their land

Brought them as labor

Forced their conversion 

At the end of a saber

Their grievance is valid

Their history true

Yet we wonder 

Why they don’t fly Red, White, and Blue

So as fireworks burst

And your heart swells with joy

Know it’s only utopia

If you’re an Eloy

Jay Rogers Twitter @JayRogers24

Son of a conservative evangelical minister and an educator. After a 7-year long deep-dive into the Bible, Jay left his faith in the proverbial foxhole during a tour in Iraq. Jay is now a liberal atheist and a friend to the kind, threat to the cruel.