Trump Town Hall: A Call to Action

Friends, fellow citizens, and defenders of democracy,

We find ourselves at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. The very foundations of our democracy are being tested, and it is time for us to stand up and be counted. CNN’s decision to host a Trump town hall with former President Donald Trump, a man responsible for inciting an insurrection against our country, indicted for over 30 felonies, and notorious for his relentless attacks on the free press, is a dangerous step towards normalizing the behavior of those who seek to undermine our democracy.

We have about a week to enact a plan that will show CNN we are not okay with their support of those who wish our democracy harm. We cannot stop them from undermining our democracy, but we can send a clear message that this is not acceptable.

United for Democracy: Boycott, Unify, and Encourage

Here’s what we can do to make our voices heard:

Boycott the Trump town hall: Do not watch it, even for the sake of “hate watching.” We must send a strong message that we will not be complicit in promoting a dangerous narrative.

Unify our messaging: Let’s bring together all the resistance groups, chat rooms, and messaging outfits under one or two hashtags to create a trending campaign on social media. Organizations like DemCast, Don Winslow, SwingLeft, Indivisible, MoveOn, Thom Hartmann, and others with large platforms and a pro-democracy stance can help amplify our collective voice, demonstrating our strength in numbers.

Encourage MeidasTouch Network to schedule a pro-democracy alternative event: Instead of tuning into CNN’s town hall, let’s rally behind the idea of MeidasTouch Network offering a powerful and engaging pro-democracy event to compete with CNN. By expressing our support and interest, we can encourage them to take action, providing a different viewing choice that sends a strong message that our democracy matters.

Embrace Change: Resist Tyranny & Safeguard Democracy”

We are in perilous times, and the traditional way of doing things is not working. We must be open to new ways of fighting back. It is up to us, the masses, to resist these powerful forces before they become too powerful to resist or we no longer have the ability to protest safely against a tyrannical right-wing government.

Join us in this crucial effort to hold the media accountable and protect our democratic values. Stand up for democracy, encourage alternatives like MeidasTouch Network to offer a counter event to CNN’s Trump Town Hall.