MAGA Republicans: Threatening Our Democratic Future

A Warning for All of Us

Beware the storm that brews on the horizon! As we speak, MAGA Republicans in states under their control are already enacting the very tactics I’ve outlined in this post. With this evidence at hand, it is not a stretch to assume that, given the opportunity, they would eagerly seize the chance to implement these strategies on a national scale.

Some may accuse me of exaggeration, of venturing too far beyond the realm of possibility. Yet, the warning signs are glaringly evident, and the evidence is all around us. It is not hyperbole to recognize the potential threat that looms over our fragile democracy. The actions of these politicians in states they govern serve as a harbinger of what could befall our nation if we do not remain vigilant.

Let us not turn a blind eye to the dire consequences that may lie ahead if we allow these forces to gain unchecked power. Instead, let us stand united in our commitment to protect and uphold the very foundations upon which our democracy is built.


Project 2025, spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, is an ambitious effort to establish a right-wing LinkedIn-style platform to staff the White House and federal agencies in the event of a Republican winning the 2025 presidential election. This project, part of a $22 million presidential transition operation, has brought together more than 50 conservative groups to collaborate with the Heritage Foundation, setting aside their rivalries to work towards a common goal.

Amassing the MAGA Republican Cabal

The project has contracted the technology company Oracle to build a secure personnel database. It aims to have up to 20,000 potential administration officials in the database by the end of 2024. The project partners have already briefed several potential candidates, including Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Mike Pence. They also plan to give private briefings to all conservative candidates.

A significant challenge facing Project 2025 is the different staffing criteria that various Republican hopefuls might use. For example, Trump, the clear front-runner, is known to prioritize personal loyalty over ideological convictions. During his presidency, he sought to dismantle the career civil service, which he referred to as the “deep state,” and considered firing more than the standard 4,000 government officials allowed for replacement.

Project 2025 Paves Way for MAGA Republicans Loyalist Takeover

Trump previously issued an executive order called “Schedule F” to create a federal workforce where loyalty to him was the highest criterion. However, President Biden rescinded the order shortly after taking office. Despite this setback, some of Trump’s confidants, including his former budget director Russell T. Vought, have been working on a plan to re-enact the order and gut the federal civil service in a potential second Trump administration.

Now, Project 2025, led by Heritage, and Trump’s plans seem to be converging, even though Trump himself has not shown any interest in the details. Interestingly, Dennis Kirk, a former Trump administration lawyer who was involved with the adoption of Schedule F, is now employed by Heritage and is actively working on Project 2025. 

This collaboration will pave the way for 20,000 loyalists to have 100% control of our executive branch of government and these zealots will dismantle our government from within and there will be no one able or willing to speak from within about this destruction.

How MAGA Republicans Will Destroy Us from Within

Weakening of checks and balances: A government filled with loyalists can lead to the weakening of checks and balances that are crucial for the functioning of a democratic system. This can result in the concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals, increasing the risk of authoritarianism and the erosion of democratic principles.

Politicization of the judiciary: The replacement of career civil servants in key positions within the judiciary can undermine the independence and impartiality of the courts, resulting in biased judgments that favor the conservative movement.

Undermining the rule of law: Loyalists will prioritize allegiance to the conservative movement over adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law, leading to potential violations of citizens’ rights and the erosion of democratic norms.

Manipulation of information: With MAGA Republicans in control of government institutions, there is a risk of manipulating or suppressing vital information. This can lead to a lack of transparency and accountability, as well as the spread of disinformation, which can negatively impact the functioning of democracy.

Suppression of dissent: Loyalists in powerful positions can use their authority to suppress dissenting voices, undermining the right to free speech and the freedom of the press, which are fundamental to a healthy democracy.

Voter suppression: Loyalists in control of key institutions, such as the electoral commission, may implement policies that make it more difficult for certain groups of people to vote, ultimately undermining the democratic process.

Corruption and cronyism: Replacing experienced civil servants with loyalists may increase the risk of corruption and cronyism within government institutions. Loyalists may prioritize personal or political gains over the public interest, leading to an overall decline in the quality of governance.

Erosion of trust in institutions: The systematic replacement of career civil servants with loyalists can erode public trust in government institutions. A lack of trust in institutions can result in decreased civic participation and increased polarization, further weakening the foundations of democracy.

Undermining of scientific integrity: Replacing career civil servants with political loyalists may lead to the suppression or manipulation of scientific data and research. This can impact public health, environmental protection, and other areas where science-based policy is essential for the well-being of the nation.

Compromised national security: Inexperienced loyalists placed in key national security positions could make poor decisions or be more susceptible to foreign influence, putting the country’s safety at risk.

Misallocation of resources: Loyalists in control of government institutions may prioritize projects and policies that benefit their political allies, leading to the misallocation of public funds and resources. This can result in underfunded essential services and the neglect of pressing issues affecting the nation.

Loss of international credibility: A government filled with inexperienced loyalists may struggle to maintain international credibility and relationships. This can lead to diminished influence on the global stage, impacting trade, diplomacy, and international cooperation on critical issues.

Politicization of intelligence agencies: Installing loyalists in key positions within intelligence agencies can lead to the politicization of intelligence assessments, which may be manipulated to support a particular political agenda. This can compromise the integrity of the intelligence community and potentially put national security at risk.

Erosion of human rights protections: Replacing career civil servants with loyalists may result in a weakening of human rights protections, as the new appointees prioritize the conservative movement over upholding the rights of all citizens. This can lead to discriminatory policies and practices that disproportionately affect vulnerable populations.

Disruption of long-term policy planning: Replacing experienced civil servants with loyalists lacking institutional knowledge can disrupt long-term policy planning and implementation, leading to instability and inefficiency in government programs and initiatives.

Diminished government accountability: With loyalists in key oversight positions, there may be a decrease in government accountability. This can lead to unchecked abuse of power, corruption, and a lack of transparency, further eroding public trust in government institutions.

Degradation of international partnerships: A government filled with MAGA Republicans may struggle to maintain or forge strong international partnerships, as other nations may be wary of engaging with a government that is perceived as prioritizing political loyalty over competence and professionalism. This can hinder cooperation on global issues such as climate change, terrorism, and trade.

Weakening of regulatory agencies: Installing loyalists in regulatory agencies can lead to the weakening of regulations that protect public health, the environment, and consumer rights, as these appointees may prioritize the conservative movement’s interests over public welfare.

Infringement of privacy rights: Loyalists in positions of power may be more likely to support policies that infringe upon citizens’ privacy rights, such as mass surveillance and data collection, undermining civil liberties and democratic values.

Obstruction of justice: Loyalists appointed to key positions within law enforcement and investigative bodies may impede impartial investigations and prosecutions, potentially obstructing justice in cases involving political allies or the conservative movement itself.

Polarization of government institutions: Replacing career civil servants with loyalists may contribute to the increased polarization of government institutions, as partisan interests take precedence over collaboration and compromise, further hindering the democratic process.

Undermining of educational institutions: Installing loyalists in positions related to educational policy and administration may lead to the politicization of curricula and teaching practices, potentially compromising the quality and objectivity of education.

Disruption of social safety nets: The appointment of loyalists to key positions within social service agencies may result in the disruption or dismantling of social safety nets, leaving vulnerable populations without essential support.

Erosion of labor rights: Loyalists in influential positions may prioritize the interests of the conservative movement over workers’ rights, potentially leading to the erosion of labor protections, fair wages, and safe working conditions.

Curtailing of public participation: MAGA Republicans in government positions may seek to limit public participation in the democratic process by implementing policies that restrict access to information, reduce opportunities for public input, or discourage civic engagement.

Threat to minority rights: A government filled with loyalists may be more likely to adopt policies that marginalize or discriminate against minority groups, undermining the principle of equal protection under the law and further dividing society.

Erosion of cultural institutions: The replacement of experienced civil servants with loyalists in cultural institutions, such as museums and arts organizations, may lead to the politicization of these entities, potentially stifling artistic expression and cultural diversity.

Erosion of impartiality: Replacing career civil servants with loyalists can result in a loss of impartiality in government institutions. Decisions would no longer be based on what is best for the country, but rather on what serves the interests of the ruling party or individual politicians.

Lack of expertise: Loyalists who lack experience in government and the necessary subject matter expertise can lead to poor policy decisions and inefficient administration. This can result in inadequate responses to crises, such as pandemics or natural disasters.

Weakening of civil service morale: The replacement of career civil servants with political loyalists can demoralize the remaining civil service workforce. This can result in a decline in job satisfaction, increased turnover, and a loss of valuable institutional knowledge, further undermining the effectiveness and efficiency of government institutions.

Call to Resist

Beware, fellow resistors, for the very foundations of our democracy are under siege! All that stands between the MAGA Republicans and their total dismantling of our cherished democratic values is the election of a president, the reclaiming of the Senate, and the retaining of the House. Remember, the Supreme Court has already fallen into the clutches of right-wing billionaires, with the so-called justices obediently ruling as their puppet masters command.

We must not stand idly by as these forces threaten to consume our nation. The time has come for each of us to rise and join the fight to preserve the ideals that define us. Unite, for only through our collective strength and unwavering resolve can we defend our democracy and secure a future that upholds the principles we hold dear. The stakes have never been higher; now is the moment to act!