A Matter of Life & Death

Black Athletes and Conservative State Universities

Marcus Thompson, a young basketball prodigy from the lively streets of Long Beach, California, had a reputation that preceded him. With his remarkable skills, relentless dedication, and an unmatched work ethic, he distinguished himself and became a McDonald’s All-American Blue Chip recruit. His future shone brighter than the California sun, making Marcus not only a rising star but a beacon of hope and determination within his community.

As high school graduation approached, Marcus found himself at a crossroads: he had been offered full-ride basketball scholarships to both Stanford University in California and the University of Texas. Marcus and his family knew the decision would have a significant impact on his life, so they carefully weighed the pros and cons of each option.

One evening, as Marcus and his family sat around the dinner table discussing the choice before them, a close high school friend named Darius stopped by. Darius knew how difficult the decision was for Marcus and wanted to share a recent story he’d come across that might help with the decision-making process.

He told the family about an appalling incident in Texas, where a rogue police officer had driven his car into a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters, ultimately shooting and killing one of them. The officer was tried and convicted by a jury. However, the Governor of Texas was rumored to be considering a pardon for the officer, as he seemed to condone the murder of individuals with whom he disagreed.

Decision is Made

Hearing this story, Marcus and his family were shocked and disturbed. They could not imagine sending their son to a state where such injustice was not only tolerated but potentially encouraged. After much discussion, they came to a unanimous decision: Marcus would attend Stanford University in California, a state with a more progressive and inclusive atmosphere and he wouldn’t have to fear for his life

As Marcus embarked on the next chapter of his life, the question that had guided his decision remained in the minds of his family and friends. It’s a question that resonated with many parents across the nation who were considering sending their children off to college in conservative states:

Why Would Any Parent Send Their Child to Radicalized Red State?

Why would you even consider sending your child to a state that might prosecute them for protesting, getting an abortion, helping others register others to vote, or engaging in other activities that challenge radical Republican policies?