Pledge to Persuade: Small Steps, Big Wins

I’ve got something on my mind and I wanted to share it with you. I recognize how passionate you all are about our Democracy and defeating MAGA.

Well, I’ve got a little challenge for you. 

Don’t worry, it’s nothing too daunting, but it could make a big difference come November 2024.

Here’s the deal: 

I want each of you reading this to find 3-5 people in your life who might be on the fence about voting, or just not that into politics. Do NOT waste your time trying to convince or even argue with a MAGAMoron.  

Just go find 3-5 normal people blissfully ignorant of the mortal danger our country is presently in.

I know,  know, it’s still quite a ways off, but trust me on this. If you can commit NOW to getting those folks to the polls next November, we’ll all be in a much better position to protect our democracy. The early commitment will help to get it front of mind and is much more likely you will accomplish the goal.

Now, I get it. 

You might be thinking, “But it’s way too early to talk politics with my friends and family!” I hear you, and you’re probably right. 

Most people don’t want to get all political until it’s closer to the election. But here’s the thing: you can still make that commitment now, and when the time is right, you’ll be ready to make sure your buddies cast their ballots. 

Plus, you can use your time to learn more about what is important to them by asking questions and paying attention to what they say.

And hey, if you’re feeling extra ambitious, why not rope in 1-2 other people to do the same thing? 

Get them to commit to bringing 3-5 potential voters to the polls, too. Trust me, warriors, this is something we can all do if we’re serious about defending our Democracy.

Let’s not kid ourselves. 

MAGA Republicans are working hard to impose their views on all of us, and we need to be prepared to fight back. So let’s each do a little something every day to be ready for November 2024. After all, no one wins the Super Bowl in a single day, right? It takes a whole season of practice and execution.

With 570 days left until the next presidential election, just imagine the impact we could make if every single one of us reached out to just one person—or even more! 

So, what do you say? 

Are you up for the challenge? Let’s work together and make an impact in the coming election by doing this work now. 

It’s time to show that We, the People are fed up and ready to fight back.  We do this for not only ourselves but for our children and children’s children.  This is not a war that we can lose and we have to be willing to put in the work to make a difference. 

Let’s do this! 💪🗳️

p.s. Here’s an easy idea from the other day. Print out some of these as flyers, Go to a place where young adults hang out, hand one to each young person and repeat.