Senate Democrats: Will They Let Justice Thomas Wait it Out?

What do you think Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is doing right now? I know. We see it all the time. He’s trying to wait out the storm, just like other Republicans in trouble. That’s their strategy – wait it out and hope the storm dies down. Case in point: we still have Representative George Santos. Republicans have no honor or integrity. Their God is power and control.

Trust, Integrity, and the Future of the Supreme Court

But how can we place our trust in a justice who takes millions of dollars in undisclosed gifts from a billionaire? Or in a justice whose spouse has been credibly implicated in planning the January 6th insurrection, an attempt to overturn a fair election and install Trump as an autocrat?

Justice Thomas’s actions not only damage his own integrity and reputation but also tarnish the esteem of the entire Court. His hypocritical ignorance of disclosure obligations regarding millions in gifts over two decades is especially troubling considering he judges others from his lofty position.

Can we be confident that the upcoming abortion cases will receive unbiased judgments, rather than predetermined outcomes influenced by wealthy conservative donors who have access to these judges? To ignore this alarming reality is cowardly and jeopardizes the long-term welfare of our nation.

Navigating the Noise: Right-Wing Media’s Defense of Thomas

Brace yourselves for the barrage of bad faith arguments from Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and other right-wing media propagandists defending Justice Thomas. They will rally around him just as they have for the twice impeached and criminally indicted former president.  There is no level of debasement that the right wing media won’t go to protect one of their chief democracy and civil rights arsonists in support of Justice Thomas that they won’t go.

These outlets shouldn’t even factor into our decision-making process. They are merely propaganda arms and extensions of the Republican party and conservatives, including those on the Supreme Court. Expect no good faith efforts from them; it’s best to ignore the inevitable noise they generate.  And this goes as also with the inevitable both sides/false equivalence led by the likes of “Fox News Lite”, CNN and others.

Roberts Investigating Thomas: A Credibility Crisis

Senate Democrats have requested that Chief Justice Roberts investigate Justice Thomas, but can we really expect the chief architect of the Court’s right wing politicization and judicial activism to actually uncover any wrongdoing? 

Recall his abject failure to identify the Dobbs decision leaker, despite evidence suggesting Justice Alito’s history of leaks.  In fact, Roberts’ lack of curiosity to find the leaker was so obvious he didn’t even bother to interview any of the justices.

Some argue that Merrick Garland’s Justice Department should investigate, as Thomas’s recent actions may have violated federal law. However, believing that Garland will muster the courage to investigate a sitting Supreme Court Justice is wishful thinking, especially given his hesitance to pursue the chief instigator of the January 6th insurrection as we have waited nearly 2.5 years and there have been ZERO indictments of any of the main players in the insurrection.

Senate Democrats: Time to Confront Justice Thomas’s Corruption

The responsibility then falls upon Senate Democrats. Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin must abandon his idealistic and foolhardy belief in bipartisan solutions and take action. Republicans have no interest in investigating one of their own and especially one as well positioned to “legislate” their unpopular policies through the backdoor of judicial activism and shadow dockets.  We can’t stand idly by as Justice Thomas’s corruption and his wife’s political machinations continue unchecked and uninvestigated.

Senator Durbin must rise to the challenge, or pass the torch to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. It’s time to expose the improprieties involving Justice Thomas and Ginni, and do so publicly and transparently. This is the only path to restoring confidence in the judiciary.  Shining light is the way out of darkness.

Are We a Nation of Laws or are We Not?

We must decide: Are we a nation of laws or not? The Republican party has repeatedly demonstrated a commitment to power and control OVER law and order. To wit, as evidenced by their recent unconstitutional and racist expulsion of two black lawmakers in Tennessee. Senate Democrats must take a stand, hold Justice Thomas and his wife publicly accountable. Only in that was can we prove to the world that we are a nation of laws.

The only questions that remain: Will Justice Clarence Thomas successfully wait it out? Or will Senate Democrats step boldly into history? This moment will be remembered as the turning point in the battle for our democracy. History awaits the Senate Democrats’ response.