The GOP’s War on Truth

Republicans have a superpower that allows them to never have any policy ideas, make everything a culture war, and blame everyone else for the woes of our country all while waging a relentless war on truth. 

They unapologetically recruit proven liars to join them in Congress and have no problem working alongside known white supremacists, election deniers, and book banners, as long as it gives them the votes needed to give tax cuts to their wealthy benefactors. The Republican Party is full of men and women of no character consumed with the pursuit of power but have zero desire to use that power to help everyday Americans.

Right-wing media stokes fear, anger, and resentment among the Republican base in order to prop up Republicans and watch our democracy die. We need to call them out and continue to reach the reachable so we can thwart this threat and reclaim our country from the Republican domestic terrorists intent on destroying us from within.

GOP: A Threat to Our Democracy

The Republican Party has become the party of division, fear and lies. They have no vision for the future of our country, no policies to improve the lives of everyday Americans, and no plan for how to govern. Instead, they rely on culture wars, fear-mongering, and scapegoating to distract from their lack of leadership.  Fox News was recently outed in the Dominion lawsuit as having knowingly lied to their millions of viewers and all Republicans do is say “Everyone Lies.” 

To Republicans, there is no line they won’t cross in their pursuit of power and desire to “own the libs.” This irritational and dangerous strategy is pushing us further and further to the abyss where truth has been obliterated and we are all left with our own set of “facts.”  Healthy democracies can not survive when common facts do not exist.

One of the most dangerous aspects of the Republican Party is their willingness to work alongside known white supremacists and election deniers. This is not a new phenomenon, but it has become more pronounced in recent years. The Republican Party has become a safe haven for those who want to tear down our democracy and replace it with a fascist regime.

It’s time to call out the Republican Party for what it is: a threat to our democracy. We must continue to reach out to those who are reachable and bring them into the fold and show them that there is a better way, a way that values diversity, inclusion, and progress.

We Must Persevere against the GOP’s War on Truth

GOP Seeks to Annihilate Truth

I recognize that it is exhausting to always fight against the insanity from the radicalized right but I just want to remind you that your exhaustion is one of their strategic goals.  Look also at authoritarian countries like China, Russia, Saudia Arabia and many others where freedom of expression no longer exists and accept that this will be our future if we allow these illiberal forces to win in the end.  They are playing to win and we must persevere for not only our future but for the futures of those we love.

The Republican Party shows no interest in helping everyday Americans. They are solely interested in gaining power for themselves and their wealthy benefactors. We need to continue to expose their lies and hold them accountable for their actions.

We must remain vigilant against the Republican Party and their dangerous rhetoric. Be persistent and call them out for their lack of policies, their culture wars, and their willingness to work alongside known white supremacists and election deniers. We must continue to reach the reachable and bring them into the fold. We need to stand up for democracy and reclaim our country from the Republican domestic terrorists intent on destroying us from within.